Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Update: Delivery System Reform at CCRMC and HCs Annual Report

Greeting Contra Costa Community:

I am excited to share with you our annual progress report for the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payments (DSRIP) program: http://cchealth.org/medicalcenter/culture/pdf/DSRIP-Annual-Report-2013.pdf . We recently submitted this brief overview, which provides a year-end summary of our DSRIP activities through which we are redesigning our system to expand access to care and enhance quality. We also submitted a comprehensive report  Last week, we celebrated our progress with presentations from improvement teams representing the five DSRIP categories about the amazing work they have done and continue to do. This report only captures part of the incredible amount of work we have underway. I look forward to sharing more examples with you in the coming months and year.
The DSRIP is a pay-for-performance program that is one component of California’s Section 1115 Medicaid waiver. Three years into the DSRIP program, CCRMC and HCs has met all the milestones required to date and we are seeing impressive results that are helping us transform our county’s care delivery system into one that is patient and family-centered, evidence-based and continually improving. The DSRIP has allowed us to undertake and sustain an approach to system change that involves staff at all levels of our organization, while also including patients, family members and members of our community in a more meaningful way than ever before. I am so proud of the work being done here and look forward to our continued progress.

With appreciation,
