Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Behavioral Health Gets Lean at CCRMC


Behavioral Health Value Stream Event.

When and Where?

Monday March 29, 2010 at 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center (CCRMC) in Building One, Conference Room One.

Friday April 2 at 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM at CCRMC Lobby.

Note: The introduction and report-out for each Event is video-taped and placed on CCHS-iSite.

Why are we doing this?

On March 17th CCRMC convened a multi-stakeholder group to formally introduce Lean Management to the improvement work in Behavioral Health. The group was made up of consumers, family members, advocates, law enforcement from four agencies, paramedics and the Medical Director from Emergency Medical Services, and employees.

The day began with discussion of lived experiences by all on the team. We conducted an ideas generation session with multi-voting. Many ideas were generated and rich discussion followed. Knowledge from that session will be forwarded to the mapping team.

We will continue this effort on March 29, with teams of key stakeholders in Behavioral Health to perform an exercise called value stream mapping. This mapping will examine steps in our processes and weight them in value from a patient’s perspective. We will then follow this up with a series of rapid improvement events or kaizen events (also known as kaizen blitz).

In a stand up report using an A3 format the current state will be presented. Teams will show us what they found and present a vision for the ideal future state. Taking the time to learn about our system and ways to deliver the highest quality and highest value service to individuals and their families is essential. Reflecting on our improvement work in the Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and Surgical Care value streams (areas of work), it should be noted that much of the ideal future state presented in their stand up report has now become standard work delivered to every patient every time.

It is imperative that we learn together to fulfill our promise to provide the highest quality and highest value service to our community, making possible, health for all.

All teach, all learn.

I have been asked by some of our colleagues from other organizations if they could "come and see" what we are doing. This is not a closed session. Our doors are open to all. We welcome you and know you have much to contribute.

As we continue our journey toward the reliable delivery of care that is always safe, timely, patient-centered, effective, efficient and equitable I want to thank everyone for your genuine interest and tireless efforts.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Be well,

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